Wednesday 13 January 2016

Hi, Julie. how is it going?
Julie: prety good. How about you?
Lynn: not bad.
Julie: Listen,  thank you so much for referring me to Lorraine Holt. I met with her yesterday and she was very impressed with my resumé!
Lynn: It was my pleasure. iam happy to do it
Julie: She’s going to pass my resumé on to someone else she knows who is hiring right now.
Lynn: it is wonderful, Julie!
Julie: I’ll let you know what happens.
Lynn: Great. I hope you get the job. By the way, how is your cat doing?
Julie: Oh, poor Tiger. He got to the point where he wasn’t eating or drinking so we had to put him to sleep.
Lynn: Oh, Julie, I am so sorry. Tiger was a wonderful cat.
Julie: Yes, he was. I miss him so much. any way, I should get going Mark is picking me up and he’s probably in the parking lot. thanks again for you help.
Lynn: don't mention it
Julie: have great weekend
Lynn: you too.
Julie: Bye.
Lynn: Bye.