Wednesday 13 January 2016

Hi, Julie. how is it going?
Julie: prety good. How about you?
Lynn: not bad.
Julie: Listen,  thank you so much for referring me to Lorraine Holt. I met with her yesterday and she was very impressed with my resumé!
Lynn: It was my pleasure. iam happy to do it
Julie: She’s going to pass my resumé on to someone else she knows who is hiring right now.
Lynn: it is wonderful, Julie!
Julie: I’ll let you know what happens.
Lynn: Great. I hope you get the job. By the way, how is your cat doing?
Julie: Oh, poor Tiger. He got to the point where he wasn’t eating or drinking so we had to put him to sleep.
Lynn: Oh, Julie, I am so sorry. Tiger was a wonderful cat.
Julie: Yes, he was. I miss him so much. any way, I should get going Mark is picking me up and he’s probably in the parking lot. thanks again for you help.
Lynn: don't mention it
Julie: have great weekend
Lynn: you too.
Julie: Bye.
Lynn: Bye.  

Monday 30 November 2015

I will continue doing exercises every day.for example, go out for walking about one hour after dinner .
Making  up my mind to improve my listening and speaking English skill.Studying English at least 1 hour.
Reducing  watching TV time,go to sleep before 10 o'clock,and wake up earlier.
 Helping  my husband to change his bad habits.For example ,drinking a lot with his friend often in the past year.
I want to change eat less chocolate and eat more healthy food.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Good morning everyone,

We will start this week by talking about Canada’s history. Click on this link and follow the tasks below:

Task 1:

Read your assigned article and make sure to understand it very well. 

Task 2:

Prepare a very short presentation for the rest of your classmates about the article you have just read.